About Me

Marisa McGrath: Millennial Misfit. Bad Feminist. Writer. Firey hair and blazing thoughts. That’s how I talk about myself.

Always passionate about social justice, I double majored in Women’s Studies and International Relations at The Ohio State University. I graduated Magna Cum Laude in 2015. My education did not lead to an impressive job title. It edified my understanding of the world and fed a curiosity on how to better stand with people. Since then, I worked a string of desk jobs while I learned to take care of myself. Inside the unimpressive years of my resume are the same ones where I felt the satisfaction of all clean plates and folded laundry. My face finally saw itself without dark circles. I am currently pursuing a Masters of Science in Marketing, which I will complete in December 2020. After that, I intend to start law school.

To balance my ambition, I consume an appalling amount of reality television, dabble as an amateur astrologer, and wear SPF 50 to stay alive. When no one asked what celebrity I look like, I said Rihanna. Which is why no one asks me that question.

The intention of this blog is not grandiose.  I don’t aspire to recognition or praise.  It’s enough for my words to be seen and heard. If you read this and gawk at my mess, I am ok with that. These words– splayed open for public consumption– are yours now.  For what it’s worth, I hope you feel less alone no matter how desolate it feels. I hope you know that belonging is a home we build together, and I hope to do that with you on this site.

email: mcgrathmarisar@gmail.com

Instagram: marisa.mcgrath


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